Low Risk Lays – Introduction
11 Aug 2019 Jon Roberts
Can a betting strategy developed nearly 15 years ago, still make a profit?
That was the question I posed last week, when I ‘re-introduced’ my oldest profitable betting strategy.
And like all good Hollywood writers, I built an arch to my story and left us on a cliff hanger…
…Did my oldest profitable betting strategy still work?
“Recap – Here is where we left off last week:
Fast forward to January this year and after re-discovering this great strategy – I fired up my BF Bot Manager platform, re-created the system rules into a new strategy and just left it running for the last six months (bar a period where my server restarted and wiped my bet records).
Would you like to know how I got on over the last six months with a strategy that I first created nearly 15 years ago?”
Well to answer that question, let me start at the end and then work my way back…
Six months after switching my oldest betting strategy back on; July has proved the most profitable month yet! Great timing for this article too.
17.01 points profit has been generated, laying odds on favourites, from just 31 races this month.
We even hit an incredible 9 (yes, nine!) odds on lays in a row this month.
So is a 15 year old strategy, that has been left on the shelf for 8 years still profitable?
Hell yes!
That’s over £500 profit since just the 27th May this year, laying odds with just £20.00 liability per lay.
Remember, we are:
– Laying odds on favourites
– Top of the market and heavily backed
– It is low, low risk, as we are laying only at odds on
Inspired by these results, we have gone back through our databases to compile the results for the ‘missed’ years while this wonderful strategy was sitting on my hard drive gathering dust (want to know why it was gathering dust, read last weeks post here)
When looking at the table above it is remarkable just how consistent our low risk laying strategy is
Over 8 1/2 years of recorded data, we have:
– Averaged 12% ROI each year
– Had a maximum drawdown of just 18 points
– Secured a profit ever year
With such consistency and low drawdowns, you would only need a small betting bank points-wise, and could build up some pretty high stakes (and returns), considering the liquidity we’ll be finding at the top of the market with these heavy favourites.
Ready to starting banking your own Low Risk Profits? Click here to find out more